
Why Is Ozzy Osbourne Angry With Kanye West? Unauthorized Use Of Black Sabbath Song Angers English Musician

4 months ago By Neil Ross

Ozzy Osbourne, the iconic figurehead of heavy metal and lead singer of Black Sabbath, recently made headlines with his scathing critique of rapper Kanye West. The controversy erupted when Osbourne accused West of utilizing a sample of Black Sabbath’s legendary track “Iron Man” without obtaining proper authorization. This public condemnation not only highlighted the issue of unauthorized use of intellectual property but also brought attention to Osbourne’s staunch stance against what he deemed as unacceptable behavior from West.

In a fiery social media post, Osbourne made his grievances abundantly clear, stating that West had approached him seeking permission to sample a section of Black Sabbath’s 1983 live performance of “Iron Man” from the US Festival. However, Osbourne adamantly refused, citing West’s perceived antisemitism and the distress it has caused to many. Despite Osbourne’s denial, West proceeded to incorporate the sample into his recent album listening party, an act that Osbourne vehemently denounced.

Osbourne’s Denunciation

The language used by Osbourne in his denunciation of West was unequivocal and charged with emotion. He publicly called out West, stating, “@kanyewest ASKED PERMISSION TO SAMPLE A SECTION OF A 1983 LIVE PERFORMANCE OF ‘IRON MAN’ FROM THE US FESTIVAL WITHOUT VOCALS & WAS REFUSED PERMISSION BECAUSE HE IS AN ANTISEMITE AND HAS CAUSED UNTOLD HEARTACHE TO MANY. HE WENT AHEAD AND USED THE SAMPLE ANYWAY AT HIS ALBUM LISTENING PARTY LAST NIGHT.” Such strong words underscored Osbourne’s firm stance against what he perceived as not only an infringement of his rights as an artist but also a moral transgression.

Furthermore, Osbourne emphasized his desire to disassociate himself entirely from West, declaring, “I WANT NO ASSOCIATION WITH THIS MAN.” This statement not only reflected Osbourne’s disapproval of West’s actions but also served as a warning to others who might consider similar unauthorized use of his music in the future.

Kanye West’s Controversial History

The clash between Osbourne and West brings to the forefront the contentious history surrounding the latter’s public statements and behavior. Kanye West, who has undergone a self-professed transformation to Ye West, has been embroiled in numerous controversies, particularly regarding his remarks concerning the Jewish community.

West’s past comments, including threats directed towards Jewish individuals and admiration for Adolf Hitler, have sparked widespread condemnation and led to tangible repercussions. His denial of historical events such as the Holocaust further exacerbated tensions and resulted in the loss of lucrative brand deals and professional relationships.

Despite facing backlash and consequences for his actions, West’s behavior has continued to court controversy. The incident involving the unauthorized use of Black Sabbath’s music exemplifies a pattern of disregard for boundaries and ethical considerations that has characterized West’s career.

Apology and Repercussions

In December 2023, West issued a public apology via a now-deleted Instagram post, expressing remorse for any harm caused by his past statements. He acknowledged the need for greater sensitivity and understanding, pledging to learn from his experiences and strive for improvement in the future.

However, the sincerity of West’s apology has been called into question in light of subsequent events, including the recent dispute with Osbourne. Despite his purported commitment to change, West’s actions continue to provoke controversy and reignite debates surrounding accountability and redemption in the public sphere.


The clash between Ozzy Osbourne and Kanye West serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities inherent in the realm of artistic expression and intellectual property rights. While creative endeavors often thrive on collaboration and reinterpretation, they must also be tempered by respect for the work of others and adherence to ethical standards.

As the music industry grapples with issues of consent, ownership, and accountability, the confrontation between Osbourne and West underscores the importance of upholding principles of integrity and mutual respect. Moving forward, it is imperative for artists to navigate these challenges with mindfulness and consideration for the impact of their actions on fellow creators and the broader community.

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement and evolving cultural norms, the need for dialogue and reflection on these issues has never been more pressing. By engaging in open and constructive discourse, stakeholders can work towards fostering a climate of mutual understanding and collaboration within the creative landscape.

With the reverberations of this confrontation still echoing throughout the music industry, it remains to be seen how it will shape future interactions between artists and the ethical standards that govern their work. As the debate continues, one thing remains clear: the importance of preserving artistic integrity and respecting the rights of creators must remain paramount in shaping the future of music and creative expression.

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