
Timeline Unveiled: Miley Cyrus Excludes Dad Billy Ray from Grammy Speech, Ignites Alleged Family Drama

4 months ago By Neil Ross

Miley Cyrus, you know, she’s like a big deal in the music scene, right? But, her latest move? Oh boy, it’s got everyone talking. Picture this: 2024 Grammys, all the glitz, all the glam, and there’s Miley winning Record of the Year for her hit “Flowers.” Now, usually, acceptance speeches are all about thanking everyone under the sun, but not Miley’s. Nope, she left someone pretty important out – her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus. And that, my friends, set tongues wagging about what’s really going on behind the scenes with their family.

Miley Cyrus Sparks Speculation at Grammys

So, there she is, on stage, holding that shiny Grammy, and what does she do? She thanks her mom, her sis, her pals, and even her stylists. But what about her dad? Not a peep. And let me tell you, that didn’t go unnoticed. People were buzzing, wondering what’s the deal with Miley and her old man.

Miley’s Family Dynamics Under Scrutiny

Now, the Cyrus fam, they’re no strangers to the spotlight, thanks to Miley’s fame. But this Grammy drama? It turned the spotlight up to full blast. Suddenly, everyone’s got their magnifying glass out, trying to figure out what’s going on with this famous family. And when Miley only shouts out certain family members, leaving her dad in the dust? Well, that just added more fuel to the fire.

Miley and Noah Cyrus’s Sibling Rift

You know how siblings can have their ups and downs? Well, the Cyrus sisters are no exception. Noah, Miley’s younger sis, made some waves when she spilled the beans about feeling overshadowed by Miley’s fame. It’s like, dang, even in the spotlight, they’re still dealing with regular sibling stuff.

Pre-Divorce Drama

Now, the Cyrus family rollercoaster has been running for a while. Miley’s childhood? Let’s just say it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. Her folks, Tish and Billy Ray, they had their fair share of drama, with breakups and makeups galore. And when they finally called it quits in 2022? Well, that just added another layer to the family saga.

Social Media Unfollow

Ah, social media – where even family drama gets its moment in the sun. After Tish and Billy Ray split, they both moved on to new relationships. Tish found love with actor Dominic Purcell, and Billy Ray? He hooked up with an Aussie musician named Firerose. But it seems like all this change didn’t sit well with Miley and her dad. Rumor has it they hit that unfollow button on each other after Billy Ray’s new engagement.

Public Intrigue and Speculations

You know how people love a good celebrity story? Well, the Cyrus fam? They’re serving up drama like it’s hotcakes. Despite their fame and success, their struggles with keeping it together as a family have become prime gossip material. From feuds to public spats, it’s like their lives are playing out on the cover of every tabloid.


As Miley continues to ride the wave of fame, her family drama is keeping everyone on the edge of their seats. Leaving her dad out of her Grammy speech? It’s just the latest twist in the ongoing saga of the Cyrus crew. Who knows what’s really going on behind closed doors? But one thing’s for sure – we’ll all be watching as the drama unfolds.

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